The breeding and seed-production holding company of full cycle «Golden Cob»

At the moment, «Golden Cob» is represented by enterprises engaged in cultivation and production of materials of corn and sunflower seeds for planting.

About us

The breeding and seed-production holding company of full cycle «Golden Cob» started its activity in 2000.

At the moment, «Golden Cob» is represented by enterprises engaged in cultivation and production of materials of corn and sunflower seeds for planting. Cultivation executed by both its own forces and lands and with the help of contractors, strictly in full compliance with the technology appropriate to each crop on both sterile and fertile basis.

There are irrigated plots with circular sprinkling type and drum type machines in the cropping structure. The sources of water supply are artificial reservoirs (ponds) and rivers.
Detailed technological maps have been developed for the seed production; there is all necessary field equipment: tractors, selection sprayers, cob harvesters, castration machines, etc. Seeds production is executed on a regular basis.

For pre-sale certification of seeds, products undergo control of quality indicators and standards in our own laboratory. The laboratory has unified standards for seed quality assessment.

The sales team of «Golden Cob» is always open for cooperation and for any individual development of detailed high-professional toolkit of recommendations for our hybrids cultivation, basing on multiple years of production experience.
What is your seed production technology and what is your advantage over your competitors?
«Golden Cob» team:
The technological process of seed production includes:
  • receiving form the field with no storage;
  • cleaning of corn cobs from wrapping;
  • qualitative drying of raw material with computer control, which guarantees preservation of seed viability;
  • soft threshing of corn cobs with primary cleaning and subsequent cooling;
  • grain cleaning and separation of the seeds groups;
  • seeds calibration into fractions;
  • seeds treatment on pneumatic table and photo separator;
  • seeds treatment with fungicides and insecticides;
  • bags packaging in accordance with the seeding rate;
  • continuous laboratory control during the whole technological process.

History of «Golden Cob»

  • Plant capacity — 5 000 tones per year.
  • Transition to the full cycle of corn seeds production.
  • Launching of processing line for sunflower, soybeans and other crops.
  • Development of proprietary hybrids by the trade mark of «Golden Cob».
  • Land acquisition, special equipment purchase, modernization of seed-treatment manufacture.
  • Launching of growing and processing program for the seeds of foreign selection.
  • Launching of irrigation system on the hybridization plots.
  • Trade mark «Golden Cob» hybrids registration with FAO range 130−340.
  • Modernization of calibration, seed-treatment, packaging lines.
  • Plant capacity growth up to 10 000 tones of seeds per year.
  • Foundation Stone ceremony of the breeding and seed production center in Khokhol district, Voronezh region, with capacity of 7000 tones of seeds per year.
  • Launching of brand-new line of sunflower seed production.


Breeding and seed production holding company «Golden Cob» offers a wide range of services for farmers and agricultural enterprises. Specialists of the company have extensive experience and are ready to help you with achievement of maximum results for your business.
We will help you to choose the best seeds for planting
Our specialists will help you to choose the best hybrids for your soil and planting conditions for the maximum yield achievement.
We can help you with your soil conditions analysis
Soil analysis will help you get the most accurate fertilizer recommendations to help you increase your yield.
We can help you to calculate fertilizer to be applied
The amount of fertilizer has a strong influence on soil and therefore it is very important to keep a balance of all elements.

Contact us

396456, Russia, Voronezh region, Pavlovsky district, Alexandrovka-Donskoye rural settlement, village Alexandrovka Donskaya, Proletarskaya street, building 1A, premise 1